Great Sales Reps Don’t Beat Around the Bush

I was in a meeting one time and a fellow sales rep made the customer SUPER uncomfortable.

But it was amazing.

You see, the meeting wasn't going well. We were talking through our quote, and the customers were giving each other side glances and we could tell things weren't going well. Most sales reps would have just forged ahead, trying to say the right things and telling the customer what they wanted to hear.

Instead, this guy said, "I might stop right there for a minute. I can tell there's something I'm saying that isn't landing. Is there anything going on that we can talk through?"

The customers gave each other uncomfortable glances, but we stayed silent until they spilled. A competitor had been in there, planting landmines and their boss suddenly wanted to switch to the competitor because of some supposed gaps in our product line. They weren't sure how to break the news to us.

We were able to talk through everything and save the deal.

Good sales reps don't beat around the bush. Good sales reps politely say what they need say and let silence do the rest.

What do you think? Let me know in the LinkedIn comments!


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