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Now Available!

In this book, I will teach you sales tactics.  This is not a book on sales theory.  This book will contain super practical advice.  Advice that works and has been proven through research.

Sales is not rocket science, but there is an art to it, and it all comes down to being interested in the customer.

What are their daily frustrations?  What does their staff complain about?  How many annoying emails per day do they get from sales reps?

In this book, I will teach you sales tactics.  This is not a book on sales theory.  This book will contain super practical advice.  Advice that works and has been proven through research.  Advice on topics such as:

  • What do customers really think about vendors?  How can you use their advice to make yourself more effective?

  • When and how to make calls - what to say, and what not to say

  • How to write good emails that will actually get a response from a customer

  • How to ask good questions, that allow you to gather the information you need from the customer to win the deal and prevent objections

  • How to use technology to stand out

  • How to give good presentations that customers actually want to hear

Sales may not be rocket science, but if you use the science/data that I use to teach you, your customers will love you, and you’ll never be out of work.  Everyone always needs a good sales rep who can find (and keep) new customers.

Chapters include:

  • Customer Research – What do customers want, and what they really say about vendors

  • Customer Personality Profiles – Understanding Customers using Social Styles

  • Email Strategies

  • Phone Strategies

  • Asking Good Questions/Discovery

  • LinkedIn/Social Selling Strategies

  • Virtual Selling Strategies

  • Customer Presentation Strategies