Choose Your Battles During Discovery

A purchasing guy once told me he hates feeling like he’s in the hot seat, being grilled him on every single detail of a potential deal. He said it feels like he’s being interrogated for a crime. 🤦‍♀️

And yet…we’re always told to ask questions.

How can we win? Do we ask questions or don’t we?

The truth is, when we ask questions, we need to really pick our battles and ask the RIGHT questions so the customer doesn’t feel like they’re being interrogated. Yes, it’s nice to know all the vital details, like when they plan to buy, who else is competing, who are the decision makers, etc but we must take our time. Don’t be greedy and try to get all this information in your first 10 minutes or the customer will feel the need to retreat and run from you.

Do you agree? Has this ever happened to you?


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