Do THIS if Your Goal is Annoying Customers

If you want to REALLY annoy customers (or never hear from them), you should say this as you're trying to set up a meeting, "Why don't you check your calendar and send me some times that work for you."

Think through the logistics of this. They will have pull out their phone or computer, look through their calendar, and then either write down or tab back to the email to you, and type out down several times that work, and THEN wait to hear back from you. In the meantime, they might book other meetings in those time slots and have to start the whole process over again.

What a mess!

Instead, tell them you'll call them back and then when you get them on the phone, you can both check your calendars at the same time. OR you could send them an Outlook invite for a certain date and time, and it's super easy for them to propose a new time if needed.

Always try to take the burden FROM the customer. Make their lives easier and they'll love you for it.

What else do you find easily annoys customers? Share it in the LinkedIn comments.

For more tips and tricks on working with customers, check out my new book The Sales Tightrope. One reader shared:

"An extremely fun and informative read. It's a home run!"


Customers Hate Marketing Fluff


Awkward Silence is Your Friend!