Words That NEVER Belong In Cold Emails

If you want your customer to DELETE your email, use words like:

❌ State of the Art
❌ Cutting Edge
❌ Best in Class

These words are used all too often in cold emails to customers.

I think what often happens is that sales reps get super busy with administrative tasks, like updating Salesforce, doing expense reports, etc, and when it comes time to reach out to customers, they quickly grab an email that marketing put together to send out.

But those emails don't sound natural. They sound canned.

And customers are smart, so when they get an email that isn't personalized or friendly, they hit DELETE ❌❌❌.

Trust me, I've done lots of research on this, and customers consistently tell me those are the emails they delete.

Don't use those words. And there are many more.

Be more personal. Just introduce yourself, and do some homework about the customer.

And keep it short.

If you're going to go to the trouble to send a cold email, you might as well take the time to do it right, otherwise, it's just a waste of your time.

Agree or disagree? 👇👇👇

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