The WORST Way To Manage Sales Teams

One of my favorite things hanging in my house is a sign that basically says:

Talk to your children like they are the smartest, kindest, most
amazing and capable people you know.

If you do, that's what they will become. ❤️💪

It occurred to me recently that the same is true of employees. The BEST managers I've ever had listened to me.

They took my ideas seriously and made me feel like they thought I was very clever and capable.

They let me run my business the way I wanted, within reason, and didn't question me when I had to leave early to pick sick kids up from school or go to the dentist.

The WORST managers I've ever had did the opposite. They never listened to my ideas, they micro-managed me at every turn, questioned me incessantly and treated me like a child.

I think this is especially true for sales. If you train your salespeople the right way, and then give them the space to become their best selves, they will perform for you.

If you don't, they won't.

Tag your favorite managers who treated you with respect and motivated you.


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