Myth: Doctors Don't Want to Hear About New Technology

Why do we feel the need to start a sales pitch like this: "Sorry to bother you, I know you're super busy, but I want to tell you about our latest technology...."

You might assume no one wants to hear about your product.


It's the job of customers, including doctors, to be up to date on technology, but you're right...they ARE very busy.

That's why you need to find creative ways to reach them, such as:

👉 Using their nurse to build a relationship and ensure he/she shares the info
👉 Using video messaging to share important updates
👉 Using text messaging (at appropriate times)

NEVER apologize for sharing technology. Especially if it REALLY is cutting edge technology. Just don't bombard someone at inappropriate times and not allow them to escape. For that, please feel free to apologize profusely.

Do you agree?


“You’re Too Expensive” - Customer


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