Got The Cold Call Feet?

I've made thousands of cold calls during my career, but my heart still pounds a little when I have to call someone on the phone for the first time. ☎️

It's okay if yours does too, there is a reason it's called call reluctance.

You know you're pulling someone away from what they're doing, and you're worried that's going to be annoying.


❌ Don't apologize for calling!!
❌ Don't give up after one try!

Because what if YOUR product happens to be on their radar?

What they really need to be replaced, but your customer hasn't prioritized it?

Until now. Until you call, and you make their life easier. Now they don't have to track down their sales rep, and figure out who to call.

You've done it for them.

So, don't assume you're bothering them. Don't assume they're going to hang up on you.

Make that call. And if they don't need your product right NOW, you'll be ahead of the game when they DO need your products, because you've already established a relationship with them.

Agree or disagree?

#sales #salestraining #sdr


The BEST DAY For Cold Calls!


Management, STOP Doing This To Your Sales Reps