The BEST DAY For Cold Calls!

Dear salespeople,

Today is a big opportunity for you. It's Wednesday.

It's the BEST day to call new prospects.

According to research, Wednesday morning is the day you're most likely to schedule a meeting with a new prospect.

So, take a fresh look at your account list. What customer have you NOT called for a long time?

Make a list of 5 to call, and spend at least 30 minutes calling them, or emailing them, or ideally, both.

According to research, the MOST effective way to reach new customers is to call them, leave a voicemail, tell them you're going to follow up with an email, and then send that email as soon as you hang up.

Try it.

Some of my biggest deals were won when I called customers that were long shots. I remember one in particular, my co-worker had told me not to bother.

He said they hated us because of something that happened before I cam on the scene, and they and would never buy from us, and besides they were happy with our competitor and would never switch.

But I called anyway.

And I found a crack. I found someone who WASN'T happy, didn't know the history, and she agreed to meet with me.

One year later, after lots of meetings, presentations, and trials, I had landed a HUGE deal with a major University, and it made my year.

You have time to pick up the phone today. MAKE time today. You'll thank yourself later.

Has this ever happened to you?




Got The Cold Call Feet?