Sorry, You’ve Got the FOLLOW-UP All Wrong!

Top salespeople understand something very important that not everyone understands.

Ready for it?

Customers actually LIKE it when we follow up. 🙌

The Power of the Follow Up

That's right! They have too much on their plates to always remember to call us back, so they LIKE it when we follow up. 🤯

All my research supports this and now we have even more proof.

LinkedIn puts out a State of Sales Report and the 2021 report asks customers to name their top 5 pet peeves (link to report in comments).

You know what DIDN'T make the list?

Too much follow up.

Too many calls.

Too many emails.

When To Send A Follow Up

So, if you've sent a proposal, and you're waiting more than a week in between follow ups because you "don't want to be a pest", it's time to re-think your strategy.

Get in there and be available.

Customers will really appreciate it.

Of course, if they've asked you NOT to follow up for a certain period of time, that's a different story, and that's a discussion for another time.

Agree or disagree? 👇👇👇


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