Are Your Sales Emails Instantly Deleted?

I asked hundreds of customers, and they said there is ONE type of email 📬 they always delete❌, without even reading it

Do you know what it is?

Fancy, marketing emails.

You know the ones, they have lots of pictures, and lots of words like synergy, ubiquitous, state-of-art, best in class, etc.

You know what they like better? And even more important, you know which ones they DON'T delete?

Simple, SHORT, personalized emails, that get right to the point and don't use any fancy language. 💚💚

Sales Loft has done tons of research on good emails, and according to millions and millions of emails they researched, you should personalize 20% and no more. Anything else has diminishing returns (link to their research in the comments).

Crafting a good email (and a good subject line) is truly an art form, but if you can master it, you will stand out against all your competitors.

What emails or subject lines have you used that worked for you?


Your Customer is Mad - Now What?


Sorry, You’ve Got the FOLLOW-UP All Wrong!