Your Customer is Mad - Now What?

When customers are mad, there's ONE really important thing we need to do, and it's crazy how often it's forgotten. 😑

We need to look them in the eye, and with sincerity, say, "I'm so sorry. I hate that this happened."😒

And THEN start hustling to fix the problem. πŸ”¨

Skipping this step is a HUGE mistake.

I recently had windows installed and my contractor ordered them wrong. It's going to take 5 months to fix the problems, so now they look all wonky and half finished (right in time for the Holidays! Yay! πŸŽ„πŸŽ)

Don't get my wrong. I realize this is a VERY first world problem, and my contractor is fixing the issue, so I should be happy, but I still feel yucky about it.

When I think about why, I realized it's because he never apologized. He never empathized to let me know he realized how annoying it was.

Instead, he gave lots of excuses about how it wasn't his fault, it was one of his guys who made the mistake, the supply chain issues aren't his fault, and he can't help it, and how it's really not such a big problem to have.

And that's why I feel yucky. It feels like he's doing ME a big favor by fixing HIS problem.

The same can be said of YOUR customers. We're always going to have issues come up with supply chain, FDA, etc. Before you start to explain, which will sound like excuses to your customer, look them in the eye, and apologize and EMPATHIZE.

It will go a REALLY long way.

How are you dealing with upset customers these days? Tell me about it!


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