Life’s Challenges: This Too Shall Pass

I just had my son home with me for lots and lots of days. COVID.

I'm not going to lie, it was tough since I had full-day training planned, and I was running the entire thing, so I didn't have an option to turn off the camera and check on him.

And yet, I WANTED him to get all the yummy food, plenty of water, and I wanted to remember to give him all the good vitamins, and comfort him.

Talk about trying to be in two places at once.

The good news is, that the advice my grandfather always used to say came to my brain over and over again.

This too shall pass.

Whether you're in a job you hate, or if you're also dealing with COVID stuff, or you're just sick of winter, this season of life and whatever you're dealing with will pass, and spring will come again.

It may look exactly how you want it to look on the other side, but it WILL pass.

Have you been dealing with anything tough lately?


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