Overcoming Objections: This Strategy Is Crucial

Objections aren't real. 👽

Well okay, they CAN be real, and if you have a truly inferior product, objections are real.

But most of the time, objections are created when salespeople don't handle the early part of the sale process well.

Here's several ways that you could be CREATING the objections your customer is bringing to you:

🙋‍♀️ Not asking enough questions early in the process. If you don't know what they need, how can you effectively handle objections until it's too late?
🏆Not finding a coach. In each deal, you need someone on the inside. Someone who WANTS your solution and can help you get ahead of any objections that might come up.
📊 Presenting your deal BEFORE you know what they even want. Presenting too early, especially in a complex sale, is one of the sure-fire ways to kill a deal.

Agree or disagree? 👇👇👇

#sales #salestraining #marketing


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