Sorry, You've Got LinkedIn All Wrong

I recently did a little LinkedIn experiment, and the results were even more surprising that I expected.

I wrote a story about a powerful mentoring experience I had. I posted it as an article.

It got 37 views.

Then, several months later, I took the text, posted it into the BODY of a post (no article in sight), and it's gotten over 27,000 views!! 🔥

Link to article = 37 views
Text post = 27,000 views

That's a big difference.

And most importantly, I got several leads.

If you're posting on LinkedIn, and not getting the traction you want, here's a few tips:

⭐️ Don't post links, especially to outside websites. LinkedIn wants people to stay ON the platform, so if you have something to say, just put it right into a post. If you REALLY need to post a link to sign up for something, do it in the comments section

⭐️ Keep the wording REALLY simple and readable. The smarter you sound, the less views you'll get.

⭐️ Comment on and like other people's posts, before you start posting a lot yourself. The more people that interact with your post within the first hour, the better, and if you're interacting with others, they'll be more likely to interact with yours.

What works well for you here on this platform? Tell me!


DON’T Mess Up The Subject Line


Overcoming Objections: This Strategy Is Crucial