Is Your Manager Toxic?

The job market is SUPER hot right now. Do you know what means for you?

It means that you shouldn't put up with a toxic manager.

There are many definitions of a "toxic" sales manager, but it basically boils down to this:

If your manager is willing to listen to your ideas, you've likely got a great manager, and one that doesn't micromanage.

I did a poll a few months ago, around micromanagement. I got over 1,000 votes, and a whopping 62% said it's NEVER necessary or helpful to micromanage.

The truth is, some of the best ideas that ever get implemented come from the rank and file and NOT the management team.

So, if it feels like you've got a micromanager who NEVER listens to your ideas or feedback, it's time to spruce up that resume. The job market is WAY too good to sit tight.


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