The 4 Types of Customers In Sales

Small talk doesn't always work, and here's why. 👇

You're probably talking to a Driver.

What does that mean?

It means that customers can be categorized into one of four categories, and only two of the categories like small talk. The other two DETEST it. 😡

Here are the 4 types.
✅ The Driver
✅. The Analytic
✅. The Expressive
✅. The Amiable

The Driver wants the information, short and sweet, and they want it NOW. Small talk doesn't work with this type, and will actually make them angry. I did a fascinating webinar with a CEO of a hospital one time, and when asked about her pet peeve, she said she HATES it when people tried to make small talk with her. She wants you to get to the point immediately. It was the most poignant example of a Driver I've ever seen and I pity the sales rep who ever tries to ask her about her weekend!

The analytic wants ALL the information you can provide, and then will probably ask for more spreadsheets. This type also won't take kindly to questions about the weather or your plans for the weekend.

The other two personality types DO like to chat, and you can build a nice rapport with these types by engaging in chit chat.

Only about HALF of the population likes small talk, and we're probably trying to use it on everyone.

We have to treat customers the way THEY want to be treated, and that's when trust starts to build.


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