Everyone Has Challenges

I had been on hold for 30 minutes and kept getting transferred all around, and finally I got transferred to a woman who sounded SUPER annoyed, which escalated MY annoyance.

But then, I heard a child crying in the background.

The child kept crying, and then I heard a sad "Mommma!!"

It took me a minute to realize what was happening, because usually, when you call an 800 number, it's a national call center, and there are no children crying in the background.

Immediately I softened. I knew EXACTLY what she was going through. I know the guilt when you have to mouth "Shhh" to your very sad child as you try to finish up a call.

I know exactly what it's like to try to schedule calls around nap time, and rush upstairs to do a temperature check before the phone rings again.

And I suddenly remembered what a crazy world we're living in now.

With COVID, even call center employees are working from home, and I remembered that even if my shirts don't get delivered "on time," it's not the end of the world.

What is more important is understanding each other. We ALL have our challenges.


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