Open vs Closed Ended Sales Questions

Open-ended vs. closed ended questions in SALES...

Which is better?

Most people would say open-ended are far better, but they're wrong.

It really depends, and just because you ask an open-ended question, it doesn't mean it's a good one.

Examples of BAD open-ended questions:

❌. What keeps you up at night? (Cringe!! Customers HATE this.)
❌. What problems do you have with your current vendor? (Bad! Makes them defensive and they will praise their vendor to you.)

Neil Rackam spent a decade researching this for complex sales situations with over 35,000 real sales calls for his book SPIN Selling, and found that there was really no difference in the effectiveness between the open and closed-ended calls.

Instead, it's FAR more important to ask the right questions at the right time.

I have also spent years researching this, and a few of my favorite questions are:

1. Oh, you're currently using X, is that working out pretty well for you? (This gives them a non-threatening way to vent about their current vendor, giving YOU all the information you need about their pain points)
2. Have you ever had problems with xxx? (Now insert a potential point. Ideally, this would be something you've commonly heard from other customers.)

From here, just have a natural, organic conversation. Pretend like you're a doctor, trying to diagnose a complex stomach issue. Ask thoughtful questions, and allow them time to answer.

Aren't you happier when your doctor seems truly interested, looks you in the eye patiently, and really listens to you without interrupting?

Treat your customers the same way.

If you do, you'll get the root of EXACTLY what they would need to change vendors.


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