Customers Don't Care About Your Entire Portfolio

There's a few things sales reps do that REALLY drive customers crazy. One of them is sharing your entire portfolio during a formal presentation, when you were only supposed to be talking about a small portion of it.

I get it. We think we're being helpful because we have so much more to offer and we want to make sure they're aware while we have a captive audience.

The problem is:

👉 They probably already know about your portfolio, especially if you've been doing business with them for years and the last thing they want to see is a busy, boring slide with ALL your products/solutions.
👉 You're cutting into the time they had for you and what they really wanted to discuss was what they invited you to discuss in the first place.
👉 You might be creating a problem for your trusted coach if there are things happening in the background you don't know about.

Should you make sure customers know the full breadth of your offerings? Yes, for sure. Just make sure you have permission and don't spring it on them. This is a consistent theme in my customer research and it's a big one.

Do you agree? Let me know in the comments!


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