The Right Attitude Can Fix Anything

My almost fourteen year old son is OBSESSED with basketball. He's really strong at ball-handling and getting in for the lay-up but has always struggled with his outside shot. For Christmas, he said he didn't need any presents except this expensive rebounder thing. It attaches to the basket and makes it easier to get up hundreds of shots in a day.

After we bought it for him as an early present, he was getting up 900 shots in a day. He was out there for hours. Every. Single. Day.

His shot was really improving. In one practice he made 20 three-pointers in a row.

And then...he broke his foot in the first minute of his game last weekend. He struggled not to cry the morning after we found out. All that hard work down the drain.

I was honestly just as sad as he was. I HATED to see him sit the bench after all his hard work.

But then we rallied. We decided that maybe this injury saved him from an even worse injury. We decided that he was incredibly lucky that this injury is fairly minor in the grand scheme of things (only out for 4 weeks) and that if all goes well, he might even make it back for the tail end of the season. AND he's lucky because this was a growth plate injury. This means he's still growing and he wants so badly to make it 6 feet tall, so this means he still has a chance.

Now that his attitude went from sadness and self-pity to gratitude, he's all pumped up to keep improving himself, even with a cast and crutches. After school he plans to do an upper body workout, and do dribbling in the basement while sitting in a chair. It's all about the attitude.

The right attitude can fix anything.

What difficult moment inspired you or others to rise up and shift your mindset? Share with us in the comments!


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