Busy PowerPoints? Avoid This at All Costs!

Busy PowerPoints...they're NOT the way to a customer's heart. ❤️

In fact, it's one of their biggest pet peeves. 🤬

There is a big difference between a TRAINING and a PRESENTATION.

In a training, your goal is to teach something and impart knowledge and information.

In a presentation, you're just trying to get the customer interested enough to move to the next step in the process. ➡️➡️➡️

They don't need to know every excruciating detail of your product or service, and there will NOT be a test at the end. 🧐

This video gives a few examples of BAD customer presentation slides and also how to do it better.

Have you ever sat through a death-by-powerpoint presentation?

#sales #salestraining #marketing


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