The BIGGEST Sales Rep Mistake!

Customer: Your timing is pretty good actually, we do have that on our budget for next year.
Sales rep: Great! We'd love to set up a time to show you what we have. How does next week look for you?
Customer: Can't we just do it now? I have a few minutes.
Sales rep: Well...not really because I'm not actually your sales rep. John Smith is the rep for your area, but I show that he has some availability for next Tuesday.
Customer: Don't worry about it. It's not a top priority anyway.

Opportunity lost.

The truth is, customers HATE it when the person who initially calls them passes them off to another person.

Instead, local sales reps need to be WILLING and ABLE to make these calls, and they need to be doing it EVERY WEEK.

It's the important stuff, not the urgent stuff that makes the difference. Don't let your urgent stuff get in the way of important stuff, like prospecting new opportunities.


A Job Interview Prep MUST!


Busy PowerPoints? Avoid This at All Costs!