Episode 18: How to Break into Medical Device Sales

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Medical device sales is a competitive industry, but if you're willing to do the homework, you will have no problem getting your foot in the door. Get started by getting to know the medical industry and gain an understanding of the industry’s terms, jargon, ins and outs, and emerging trends.

The Three Types of Medical Device Sales:

  1. Disposable

  2. Capital

  3. Procedural

Acronyms & Terminology You NEED to Know:

What is an IDN?

Integrated Delivery Network – HCA is a good example.  Many universities are stand-alone, but it’s probably fair to say that most hospitals are part of an IDN, whether big or small.

How do VA Hospitals come into Play?

VA Hospitals usually have government contracts that are very difficult to change. Technically it is illegal to offer a discount to any hospital that is higher than what you are offering to the government.

Who are the “PLAYERS” within the hospital?

  • Biomed

  • Nursing – (different departments)

    • PACU – Post Ambulatory Care Unit – after surgery

    • Med-Surg – General nursing floors for flu, pneumonia, etc.

    • L&D – Labor and Delivery

    • Mother-Baby – this is usually separate from L&D and for moms and babies just born who don’t need any special, intensive care

    • NICU – Neo-Natal Intensive Care unit for babies who just got born and need to be in the ICU for whatever reason

    • Step-Down – For people who were really sick or after surgery, and are getting back so they  are “stepping down” from intensive care

    • CNO – Chief Nursing Officer

    • Surgery/Procedural

  • Purchasing

  • IT

Other Topics Reviewed & Discussed:

What is a GPO and why do they matter when you’re interviewing?

What does bed-count mean?  And why does that matter to YOU as a medical device sales rep?

What is the Sunshine Act?

Be sure to follow me on my Podcasts to learn more.

Connect with Katie Mullen:



Episode 19: My Holiday Luck: How I Landed One of My Biggest Deals


Episode 17: How to Sell to a COO/Decision-Maker - Interview with Andy Braun