Writing A Killer Email: Here's How

Sometimes I see examples on LinkedIn of BAD prospecting emails. πŸ‘Ž

Today, I want to post an example of AMAZING email that I got several months ago. πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ

Here it is:
Hi Katie,

Noticed the information you posted on LinkedIn last week about the power of personalized video mail. You are so right! In an ocean of emails that looks the same to our recipients, video mail stands out like a beacon.

You listed quite a few of the traditional video messaging vendors in your post. I hope you don’t mind me reaching out to bring SalesMail to your attention as well. If you’re so compelled, you can learn more here: she inserted a link here

Let me know if you have any questions. Until then, I look forward to inhaling of your LinkedIn posts. Glad I found you.

Warm regards,

This email completely jumped out at me and made me take action.

I made a quick video to explain exactly WHY this email was so great and how you can reproduce it for yourself.

Agree or disagree? Tell me!


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