We're All Learning on the Way

The other day my 12 year old son put this in the microwave.

An unopened can of Spaghettio’s.

Luckily, we’re all still alive. 

He didn’t do this because he’s stupid. In fact, he’s usually a pretty smart and resourceful kid. He did it because I told him to make his own lunch, and he asked me how long to cook them for, and I didn’t mention to open the can and put them in a bowl with a paper towel BEFORE sticking them in the microwave. I assumed he’d know, since he’s seen me do this many, many times.

But he didn’t know. Sometimes, people just don’t know the things that seem obvious to us. Again, not because they’re stupid, but because they’re new to them. If you find yourself exasperated with someone today, give them a break. Maybe no one ever told them that you can’t put metal stuff in microwaves.

PS…in case you never knew, an unopened can actually doesn’t conduct heat at all. The can was completely cold after almost two minutes in the microwave. Who knew?


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