Holiday Weeks are a Great Time to Prospect the C-Suite

It might be 4th of July, but you know what else this week is good for?  Making calls.

Holidays are one of the best times to catch those elusive CEOs/CNOs because they often don’t take the week off, but their gatekeepers do.  I remember one particular year, I called the Director of Biomedical Services the day after Christmas, and he answered right away.  This was a guy that had been avoiding me for weeks.  At least, that’s what I thought.  It turns out he never even got any of my messages because his gatekeeper assumed he wouldn’t want to hear from me, but he was open to chatting, and it created one of the biggest sales I ever made.


Put together a list of most elusive prospects you have, and give them a ring this week.  They might just answer. Let me know how it goes!


And then after that, enjoy your 4th of July Holiday if you’re in the States!  I know I will!


Send the Outlook Invite Already!


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