It Might Take 10 Tries and That’s Okay!

Most customers respect the hustle. In fact, my biggest deal EVER came after I had contacted the same customer every month for two years.

That might sound like I was being a pest, but I wasn't. I was being available for if/when they finally decided they were ready to look at my equipment. And that opportunity finally came because I was patient, polite, and developed the trust that is so important in every sales deal. And this wasn't the only time. In reality, the majority of my big deals came after months or years of interactions.

When I researched this, I found lots of support for my anecdotal evidence. I have found:

👉 Most of the time, it takes 6-10 tries (or more) before a customer is willing to take a look and talk to you.
👉 Most sales reps give up after only 2-3 tries (see why this is a big opportunity for you? If you're not giving up, you'll be far ahead of the competition)
👉 Customers overwhelmingly say that when they're ready to start shopping for whatever they need, they will already know who to contact. This means you HAVE TO STAY IN FRONT OF THEM!!!

It's sort of like when your Facebook algorithm shows you the same nightime bonnet over and over again, and at first you think it's silly. But after about 15 times of seeing it, you convince yourself that your hair DOES need to be protected at night and you finally click the button to buy. Or wait, am I the only one who has fallen for that one? 😜

What has your experience been like? Let me know in the LinkedIn comments!

Would you like for me to come speak to your sales team or conference?  Click here for videos of me speaking and book a meeting with me to get pricing info!


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