Sales You Make Today are From the Work You Put in Yesterday

My first year in sales my quota was $800,000. The problem was that my product was brand new so I inherited $0 in sales.

It was a bit daunting (to say the least!) to think about getting up to $800,000, but I rolled up my sleeves and got started prospecting.

I called, I drove, I emailed. I added lots to my funnel, but not much to my quota. By the end of the year I had $130,000 in sales. It was super frustrating, but people kept telling me the sales would come. And did they ever!

That was the ONLY year I didn’t make quota because all that hard work translated to a very healthy funnel and eventually, that turned into sales. Lots of them.

The best way to ensure that you ALWAYS make your quota is to keep prospecting, NO MATTER WHAT.

Even if you’re the #1 sales rep. Even if you feel like you can’t do another cold-call. Do it anyway. The sales you make today are from the work you put in yesterday. If you don’t put in the work every single day, week after week, you’ll wake up one day without any sales to book.

Am I right?

From 2003-2014 I was a sales rep just like you.

I made calls, I sweated my quota, I drove the heck out of my car.

In 2014 I decided to go out on my own and forge my own path.

Since then I’ve done training for big companies like GE, Hitachi, Canon, Fresenius, Sakura, OBIX and many more.

I wrote a book (that has great reviews on Amazon btw).

It was all scary, but I did it. Never be afraid to forge your own path. You’re more capable than you give yourself credit for.

I wanted to post this because it’s been a long time since I really introduced myself on here and what I do.

I do sales training. I do keynotes. I do consulting. I help with recruiting.

Reach out if your team could use some inspiration. I’d love to add you to my growing list of happy customers 🙌


Honesty is NOT Always the Best Policy When It Comes to Your Competition


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