Honesty is NOT Always the Best Policy When It Comes to Your Competition

When I first started selling medical equipment, my product wasn’t the best. And my competition knew it.

It took us a few years to release a product that was really great, and in the meantime, my competitor told everyone he could find how inferior my product was.

And you know what happened? It made him look terrible. They didn’t believe him and my business grew and grew and when we finally released that product, the competitor was in a weak position to compete because he had ruined his credibility.

You might know all the dirty secrets about your competition. But honesty is NOT the best policy. In fact, customers tell me that negative selling is one of their pet peeves.


👉 Make a spreadsheet of all the strengths and weaknesses of you and your competitors, and keep it in the back of your mind
👉 Ask the right questions/plant landmines that make the customer investigate further on their own
👉 Let the customer figure it out for themselves

Bashing the competition is never a good plan, even if it’s true.

Am I right?


Is Your Sales Game TOO Strong?


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