5 Habits of a Future Sales Star

When I first started selling medical equipment, I was selling ECG monitors and I knew nothing about the heart or really the human body at all.

A wise sales rep recommended I read a book called Rapid Interpretation of ECGs.

It was long, but it taught me exactly what I needed to know to sell ECG monitors.

I wasn't ready to interpret and diagnose, but I knew the lingo.

That's what good rookie sales reps do.

They don't wait for a formal training. If they don't know it, they google it.

They read books about it.

They ask better sales reps about it.

They seek out the information they need. That's the mark of a sales rep who gets it, who is going to make it.

What else have you noticed solid rookie sales reps do?


Management, STOP Doing This To Your Sales Reps


#1 Reason Your Cold Calls Aren’t Working