Why Kindness Always Wins

I was out on a trail recently and I was walking back to my car when I noticed someone driving around in a golf cart picking up trash.

It was hot, and she was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a green vest.

I was almost to my car when I noticed someone approach her. I was worried that he was going to criticize her, and I was already cringing about a potential ugly exchange, but instead I heard the man say, "Thank you for cleaning up our trail."

She shrugged and replied, "It's my job."

The man looked into her eyes again and said, "Still, I really appreciate it and I'm sure it's not a very fun job on a day like today."

She looked a little surprised, and said, "Thank you. Most people don't notice me. I appreciate it."

That man didn't think anyone was looking, and he still went out of his way to thank the girl for her hard work.

It got me thinking about being "genuine." It's something I hear a lot from customers. They want salespeople who are "genuine."

But what does that really mean?

I think it ACTUALLY means KIND and a good person, but genuinely so, not just for the sake of that meeting.

Being someone who would thank the person cleaning up the park when you think no one is looking.

Being the person who slows down for a "kids playing" sign, even when you can't see any kids.

Being the person who puts the shopping cart away when no one is looking.

I think if are this person, customers will find you "genuine". If your genuine self is actually a big jerk, customers will know. They'll sense it and they'll never trust you.

Agree or disagree?


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