What’s Your Market Share?

What's your market share?

If you don't have close to 100% of the customers in your region (and let's face it, the vast majority of us don't), you need to be strategizing on ways to get some competitive conversions.

If you don't, how will your revenue ever grow?

So, assuming you WANT to grow your business, do you know the best way to get new customers?

It's not by:

👉 Sending out emails
👉 Sending out marketing materials
👉 Going to trade-shows

It's good, old-fashioned phone calls, COMBINED with all of the above, as well strategic use of LinkedIn, video messages, etc.

The unfortunate truth is that most sales reps don't WANT to pick up the phone, because it's hard, it's uncomfortable, and it's really no fun.

Except that it can be fun, if done right, and if you do it the way customers WANT to be called.

Here's how.


LinkedIn Strategies 101


Are You Too Expensive?