Transferring Customers Around is Asking for Trouble

I bought a new car last year and I LOVED my original salesman. He wasn't pushy, he listened to all my needs, and helped me figure out everything I needed. Then, I didn't move forward right away. I was still torn about whether I really wanted to get rid of my van (I know that sounds crazy, but automatic doors are for real).

About a month later, I was finally ready. I called my salesman back, but he didn't answer. After a week or so, I called the main number and they said my guy had changed jobs and they recommended I work with someone else. I didn't like my new rep AT ALL. It totally changed everything and I ended up buying from a different dealer.

I see this all the time in the world of sales. And the irony is that often, it isn't even necessary. Management just decides one day, "You know what? I think it would be better if we rearrange the territories. I'm sure the customer won't mind working with a new sales rep."

The reality is that customers HATE this. They get comfortable with their rep. They know what they've discussed, they have that important trust factor, only to have it all ripped away in the blink of an eye.

Sales reps aren't interchangeable. Transferring customers around amongst sales reps is just asking for trouble. They might just decide to buy from a different "dealer" too.

What has your experience been like? Let me know in the LinkedIn comments!

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