Top Customer Proposal Tips for 2022

I had a customer tell me one time that our quotes were the WORST and MOST CONFUSING of any vendor they work with.

Ouch. πŸ€•

The problem is that sometimes, we can't control how the quotes come out. Systems are systems when you work for a big company.

What we CAN control is:

πŸ‘‰ How quickly they receive the quote
πŸ‘‰ Whether the customer understands what was quoted

The truth is, when a customer asks us for a quote/proposal for a potentially big order, we're excited and it's a big part of our day.

Not so much for the customer. It's just one of the many, many parts of their busy day, so we must do everything we can to remove friction from the process.

Here's how:

βœ… Get the quote back to them the same day if possible. If that's not possible, still send an email the same day, summarizing what they requested, and letting them know that it's a priority for you.
βœ… When you send over the (possibly) confusing proposal, do a simple write-up, or even better, a video message, summarizing what was quoted and why. Keep it short, but make sure they can understand your quote. Use bullets. They work.

It's easy to get in a hurry and skip these steps, but a confusing proposal without any context will sit in the customer's in-box for weeks. They're WAY too busy to try to decipher your product codes. Make it easy and simple for them.

Do you have any customer proposal tips that have worked for you?


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