Parenting: The Value of Hard Work

Recently I tried to buy my kid a flip phone, so I could still get ahold of him.

I thought I was being so smart, but it turns out you can't set any restrictions on the flip phone.

He was still able to search for anything he wanted, because apparently parental controls isn't a thing with flip phones.

You CAN, however, set up all kinds of restrictions on iPhones, so here I am, after I swore I never would, considering getting my kids iPhones. 📱

However, I can't imagine handing them an $800 device. I want to teach my kids the value of hard work.

I want them to have to ask for a job. I want them to have to talk to "customers."

I want them to eventually be the type of people to MAKE things happen, rather than just expect it.

So, I plan to make them rake leaves, babysit, etc to help pay for it.

Is this wrong? Do you think kids should have to help pay for their phone?


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