THIS Is Creeping Out Your Customers!

I was talking to a buyer recently from a HUGE company, and her insights were very surprising.

Sometimes, she purposely doesn’t open emails from vendors.

Why? 🤔

Not because she isn’t’s because she’s afraid of being tracked and stalked afterward.

She’s very aware that many companies have tracking software that allows them to see exactly when she opened it, how long she stayed on it, and whether she clicked on the links, etc.

And she doesn’t want to be tracked like that! 💻

It’s creepy. 😱

🛑 So, if your company has this type of software (and I would argue an effective email campaign can very well be done WITHOUT this), don’t bring it up to the customer.

Just keep it in the back of your mind that this particular customer might be interested, but treat them like you didn’t track them.

They’ll like you much better. 😁


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