The Best Way to Deal with Toxic Co-Workers

Misery DOES love company. But you know who doesn't love misery? Bosses. Customers. Co-workers.

In fact, research shows that positive people outsell negative ones by 56%.

And yet, there are a lot of negative nellies out there. During my college summer internship, I sat near a young guy who wasn't the happiest guy around. He complained a lot to the people near him and completely ignored me.

It drove me nuts to be ignored. Plus, he wasn't a morning person AT ALL and I'm a morning person, so I was always walking on egg shells, trying not to piss him off and trying to get him (or anyone) to talk to me. Sometimes I even joined in the complaining, just to fit in. It still didn't get me anywhere.

Finally, I decided, "Who Cares!"

I smiled at him every morning and said hello in a friendly voice. You know what happened? He came to me one day and said, "I think you drink too much coffee in the mornings."

But he said it with a smile and even laughed when I told him I didn't even drink coffee. From that day on, we became friendly and I tried to never join in the complaining when he started up. Because no one likes a complainer.

Do you have a similar experience? Share it with us here!


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