Setting Healthy Work Boundaries

I was on a call last week with a potential customer, and he said he needed to plan our next call for after 9am because he’s not a morning person and needs peace in the morning to think and drink his coffee. ☕️

It was so real. So honest. I loved it so much.

And I thought about how sometimes I try to hide my personal life. When a customer wants a training to go until 5pm, I’m reluctant to admit I can’t make it work because I want to be the one to pick up my kids from school.

I worry it might make me look less professional, less able to meet my customers’ demands.

I’ve been wrong.

I’m inspired by my customer’s honesty. I’m going to do better.

We’re all human.

We all have to deal with stuff in our personal life. Maybe kids need to be taken to a dentist appointment.

Maybe the dog needs his yearly shots.

Maybe it's a haircut in the middle of the work day, or a walk at 2pm.

That’s okay.

So in the spirit of this, I want to let you know that I will be hanging out with my kids all week. They have Spring Break. We’re going to play games, snuggle, and I’ll probably have to break up some fights. 🥷🤺

It's life.

Let’s all get together and accept our humanity and our need to sip coffee in peace sometimes.

Who’s with me?


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