Sales Tip: Polite Persistence for the Win!
Most sales reps give up too easily. In fact, research shows most sales reps don't keep trying after the first or second attempt.
I remember a particular deal that I was working, where the customer wasn't telling me to STOP calling, but every single month, they pushed me off. They were busy. They were in the middle of a visit from joint commission, etc.
So I kept calling. I knew their equipment was really old, so it was just a matter of time. And at the end of a year, I remember the prospect telling me, "Katie, I'm really looking forward to meeting you. You kept calling but were nice, and I really appreciate that. Can you meet next week? I think it might finally be time."
Don't give up. Keep trying, even thought it's uncomfortable and you feel like a pest. That's how good sales reps become GREAT sales reps. Polite persistence.
What do you think? Share with me in the comments!