Myth: Close-Ended Questions Are Bad

You’ve been lied to.

Closed-ended questions are just fine. I had a rep approach me the other day and ask, “But Katie, I’ve always been taught that closed-ended questions are bad, and isn’t this a closed-ended question?”

The truth is that what you’ve been taught in your traditional sales trainings can often mis-guided, and taught by people without any sales experience.

Closed-ended questions can be perfectly fine (and preferred). What ISN’T fine is questions that make the prospect feel threatened. Questions like:

👉 What are some problems you’re having with your current equipment?
👉 What are you goals and intentions for the future?
👉 What kind of challenges are you facing on a daily basis?

These questions are too big. Too overwhelming and honestly a bit intrusive.

Instead, ask more narrow, non-threatening questions. Even if they’re closed-ended. And then…and this is the most important thing…BE SILENT.

Resist the urge to answer for your customer.  Creating these well-crafted questions take time and skill, but it’s worth it. Then you WON’T be the sales rep who comes in asking cringey questions.

What do you think are good questions to ask? Tell me!


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