Don’t Mess Up the Subject Line - Especially Sales Emails

If you're not getting responses to your emails, have you ever wondered why? Sure people are super busy, but could it be that you're butchering the subject line and didn't even know it?

I had a young sales rep reach out a few years ago, asking for help with his emails. He shared his frustration that he wasn't getting any responses and asked me to take a look. Immediately I spotted a major problem. The subject line he was using was 8 words long.

That's way too long. We fixed up his subject line and tweaked several other areas, and BAM. He started getting responses that same day.

It's all about strategy. Did you know?

πŸ‘‰ Subject lines with one word only get the best responses
πŸ‘‰ Shorter subject lines are better (avoid anything longer than 3 words or more)
πŸ‘‰ You should avoid words like, "Promotion", "Discount", "Exciting"

Subject lines are not created equal. For more tips on subject lines, and writing emails, check out my book!

What are your thoughts on subject lines? Let me know on LinkedIn!


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