Customer Research #1 Shocking Finding

Have you read your product manual?

Cover to cover?

If not, you probably should. This is one thing that came up often during my customer research, and is a direct quote from customers. They want us to KNOW our products, and know them WELL.

That's how we can start asking truly insightful questions that help us prove our value. So, take the time to:

✅ Spend time with your customers, or even your installation or clinical teams, and ask them lots of questions. You need to understand the customer's struggles, and not just from what they tell you.
✅ Read your product manual. Not just your brochures and white papers. Read the manual itself.
✅ Take the time to understand the context of what your customers are dealing with. If you are selling ECG machines, read about ECGs. If you're selling dental supplies, take some time to understand and research the dental market.

And don't forget to follow me for more tips. I also have a newsletter.


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