Don't Lead with Your "New Limited-Time Offer"

If someone told me I could get $5,000 off a Porsche I still wouldn’t want one. Even if they told me I could get $10,000 off.

It doesn’t have the features I need, so why would I care?

This is how customers feel when you call and start offering them discounts on stuff they don’t even want or need. They don’t care yet, so it doesn’t grab their attention. At all.

Instead, wait until you KNOW they’re interested. Wait until you’ve had a chance to find out what they want and need and can show them that YOUR solution FITS their needs.

And most importantly, wait until you know more about their budget cycle. What if there is NO WAY they have money this year? Why tell them about a promotion that won’t even be happening next year when they ARE ready? You know customers. They’ll start demanding the price they were originally offered and then you’ll be in a pickle.

Or has this worked for you? Tell me about it!


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