How Customers Want to be Treated

When I first started my company back in 2015, I was hired to find leads for a medical device company. I used all my techniques and strategies, and found tons and tons of great leads for them.

Sadly, hardly any materialized into deals.


Because customers HATE this. I could hear it in their voices. I would get them all excited about the product, get them to agree to a meeting, and when I broke the news that I was passing them along to a local rep, you could hear it.

Their excitement...gone...poof. Think about it from their perspective. They thought I sounded nice...but they didn't know if they would even like the local rep, and they were only mildly interested in the first place. By the time the local rep called them, sometimes a few days later, the customer never returned the call.

After this, my extensive research confirmed what I suspected...customers absolutely HATE getting passed off from one person to another. It's a pet peeve. Plus, leads go cold within the hour. If you can't pass the lead off efficiently, it won't matter anyway.

Sales reps, make your own calls. Keep putting deals into that funnel yourselves to keep it healthy. It'll pay off.


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