Is Your Cold Call Strategy Missing This?

When you call someone on the phone ☎️, NEVER do this:

❌ Get on the phone without doing any research🧐

I did a podcast several months ago with a Biomed/Technology director for a HUGE hospital chain, and he told me that it is shocking how many sales reps call him, and have no idea who he is or anything about him or his company.

This is GREAT news for you! 🥳🙌


Because that means that it's easy for YOU to stand out.

The most dreaded thing a customer can hear but hears too often?
❌ Tell me about your business (Shouldn't you already know something about my business?)
❌ What keeps you up at night? (Gag. I'm not thinking about sales reps in the middle of the night, that's for sure)
❌ Let me tell you all about HOW GREAT WE ARE (Customers don't care about us. They care about themselves and the problems you're going to solve)

I remember trying the "Tell me about your business" tactic one time early in my career, and I remember seeing the respect drain out of my customer's face. 🤦‍♀️

Yes, you need to make sure you're calling plenty of folks, and sometimes you get in a rush, but before you dial, you need to know some basic info, and here's how to get it:

👉 Google them. Maybe they've been on a podcast or panel in the past. That will give you a WEALTH of knowledge about them
👉 Scour LinkedIn and make sure you follow them and click on "Activity" on their LinkedIn profile. You'll be able to see what they're commenting on, which will give you info even if they don't post themselves
👉 Call the account and find someone lower-level person and say this, "I'm from X and I'm new and want to get the lay of the land before I start trying to sell anything since they may not even want to hear from me. Can you fill me in on what you guys are using for X? Is that going pretty well?....."

So tell me, how else can you find basic info about the customer?


Discovery Calls: The First Few Minutes Are Crucial


COLD CALLS: The First 5 Seconds Are Crucial